When most people think about Boston, they think about the Red Sox and the Boston Tea Party. However, when looking to move there, there are a few places that you want to consider avoiding. Here is a list of neighborhoods to reconsider and some safe alternatives.
Boston can be a historic and beautiful place to live, but you want to make sure that you find the right place when looking for a place to live. Keep reading to find out which neighborhoods are the worst when it comes to violent crime.
Most Dangerous Neighborhood in Boston
These neighborhoods are ranked based on the number of violent crimes per 100,000 people compared to the Boston violent crime average.
A violent crime can include:
- Murder
- Rape
- Robbery
- Assault
Population: 33,579
Violent Crime: 1,605 crimes/100K people
Percentage compared to average in Boston overall: 158%
Percentage compared to the national average: 141% above the average.
This neighborhood is located in the center of Boston. The crime rate here is higher than in any other area in Boston. Most of the violent crimes that occur in Boston occur in Central. The highest being aggravated assault and murder.
Population: 63,672
Violent Crime: 1,271 crimes/100K people
Percentage compared to average in Boston overall: 104%
Percentage compared to the national average: 232% above the average.
With a violent crime rate that is twice the typical rate for Boston, this neighborhood is one of the worst. Assault, robberies and gang activities are what is most reported in this neighborhood.
South End
Population: 34,304
Violent Crime: 945 crimes/100K people
Percentage compared to average: 52%
Percentage compared to national average: 147% above the average.
This neighborhood has always been known for its high crime rate. Violent crime and property crime are the biggest reported incidents here, with violent crimes rising in this neighborhood.
Population: 39,010
Violent Crime: 906 crimes/100K people
Percentage compared to average: 46%
Percentage compared to national average: 130% above the average.
This neighborhood is run down, and there is a high presence of gang-related activities in this area. This area has a lot of public housing and small residential buildings that seem to make this neighborhood more prone to crime.
South Dorchester
Population: 66,765
Violent Crime: 845 crimes/100K people
Percentage compared to average: 36%
Percentage compared to national average: 123% above the average.
This neighborhood is prone to shootings, and drug activity is at a high here. There is a common problem of bad schools and a relatively low-income level that is a leading cause for the higher than average crime rate in this area.
North Dorchester
Population: 27,791
Violent Crime: 742 crimes/100K people
Percentage compared to average: 19%
Percentage compared to national average: 96% above the average.
This neighborhood has a reputation for gang activity. This area also has a poor school system and property crime is a major problem for this neighborhood. Murders have also been reported to be on the rise in recent years.
Some Safe Alternatives To Look Into
There are still plenty of places to go to when looking to stay in the Boston Area. Here are a few safe alternatives when it comes to finding the right neighborhood.
North End
One of the oldest neighborhoods in the Boston area, this is primarily a tourist location. This area offers residents a dense urban feel with lots of bars, restaurants, coffee shops and parks for everyone to enjoy.
This neighborhood has one of the lowest crime rates in the Boston Area. This neighborhood is mostly residential with a diverse culture and new businesses coming to the area; this is another alternative to reside.
Considered a more artistic neighborhood, the crime rate is low here. This area also has more college students living here and caters to the younger 20 something crowd. In addition, this neighborhood is close to both Boston College and Boston University.
Located near historic Fenway Park, this neighborhood has a low crime rate and historical views to see. This neighborhood is considered one of Boston’s biggest academic and cultural hubs. This neighborhood is a lively place to live.
West Roxbury
This neighborhood has some of the results for safety for its residents. This neighborhood is made mainly of single-family homes and includes a lot of parks for outdoor activities.
What to Take Away From This
If you’re concerned about your safety, She’s Birdie carries a personal alarm keychain.
Crime can and will happen in every neighborhood around; you need to know which areas to avoid and which ones are safe. Boston is by far one of the oldest and most historical places to visit and live. While there are some neighborhoods that you need to avoid, there are just as many more suitable. With a little bit of research, you can be sure that you find just the right place to make your next home and neighborhood the perfect one.