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Everything to assist in the home buying process

Can You Homestead Two Homes in Texas?

Can You Homestead Two Homes in Texas?

A lot of people look to classify residence as a homestead because of the tax breaks.  In Texas, this is one of the easiest ways to save on property taxes because they lower the tax value of your home. You can only homestead one home in Texas because a homestead...

Do Homes in Tennessee Have Basements?

Do Homes in Tennessee Have Basements?

Tennessee is a beautiful state to live in. But some unique challenges are facing prospective homeowners. One challenge is the potential cost of building a basement. Besides the cost, some dangerous challenges are more specific to Tennessee. These impede having a...

Which City in South Dakota Has the Best Weather?

Which City in South Dakota Has the Best Weather?

The state of South Dakota has long, cold winters and warm, pleasant summers.  When looking for the city with the best weather, it is important to take into consideration the average temperatures, snowfall, and inclement weather.    The city with the...

Do Homes Have Basements in Georgia

Do Homes Have Basements in Georgia

If you have viewed Georgia home listings on Zillow, the basement would be a common missing feature. You may find a few in Georgia (particularly in Northern Georgia), but not many. And there is a reason for this.  Generally, Georgia homes do not have basements...

Do Homes in Arizona Have Basements?

Do Homes in Arizona Have Basements?

Most people hold the ingrained idea that most full-size houses come standard with basements, but is this always the case? Basement building is different all across the country, and the world for that matter, but Arizona specifically has some unique factors at...