If you plan to visit France, the location’s safety should be at the top of your list of things to research. While France as a whole is a safe country to visit, with an overall crime rating of only 1.35, certain cities have significantly higher numbers. What is the most dangerous part of France?

The most dangerous part of France is Marseille, France, due to its high crime rate. It also has:

  • High homicide rate
  • High risk of terrorism
  • Significant drug-related activity

If you’re wondering what the most dangerous part of France is, keep reading below. The article below will give an in-depth explanation as to why Marseille is the most dangerous city in France. 

The Most Dangerous Parts of France

Marseille is the second largest city in France and is very popular among tourists seeking a complete experience of French culture. Marseille, France, is also widely known for its high levels of criminal activity. Violent and drug-related crimes make up a significant amount of the city’s crime rating. 

These are known to be the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city:

  • All northern districts
  • 13th arrondissement
  • 14th arrondissement
  • 15th arrondissement
  • 16th arrondissement
  • Felix Pyat

If you plan to visit Marseille, you should avoid the following areas if possible.

What Makes Marseille, France So Dangerous?

If you’re looking to experience the area, you should be aware of the potential dangers lurking beneath the city’s inviting appearance. Let’s go over the most common crimes in the city below.

Violent Acts

Primarily reported amounts of violent crimes, along with a high homicide rate, are reasons to take extra precautions. However, these things are not as common in popular tourist areas. Instead, these happenings usually occur in the rougher parts of the city listed above. 

Drug-related Activity

Additionally, Marseille is plagued with an extensive amount of drug-related activity. Where there is drug activity, there is almost always increased violence. In fact, most of the violent crimes that make up the city’s crime rating are related to disputes between rival drug lords. 

Con Artists

In the areas usually visited by tourists, the danger you’re likely to run into is con artists. Marseille and Paris alike are known for their con artists that pose as some form of entertainment, generally a magic trick. 

Terrorism Risks & Potential Riots

The country of France is at increased risk for terrorist attacks from several enemies that have been potentially provoked. In addition, similar to many other parts of the world, there is also potential for violent riots or protest outbreaks due to rising social unrest related to the cost of living. 

Precautions to Take When in Marseille, France

While there are risks associated with visiting Marseille, you don’t have to rule it out entirely if it’s somewhere you want to travel. If you take the necessary precautions, you can have a safe and enjoyable experience.

If you start to plan a trip to Marseille, or any other part of France, enroll in STEP. This program will send you travel alerts, including emergency alerts, related to the location you sign up for. 

Additionally, consider the following precautions to ensure the safest experience:

  • Stay alert: Always be aware of your surroundings, and if you notice anything suspicious, let the local police know immediately. 
  • Stay informed: Keep up with reliable news for the area to avoid areas where current protests or rallies are likely to occur. 
  • Lock the car: Lock your car while you are away from it, as well as when you are commuting through areas known to be dangerous. 
  • Secure belongings: Do not leave belonging in your car, even if it is locked. Consider leaving expensive attire or other items that could be easily grabbed in your hotel room when you’re exploring. Avoid street performances. 
  • Choose safe transportation: If you need to utilize taxi services, ensure that you use a licensed and reputable service. 
  • Use extra caution at night: Avoid walking down dark, uncrowded streets after dark. If possible, travel with someone you know when you are out at night. 

Taking these precautions will help you avoid falling victim to crimes that commonly pose a threat to tourists. 

Conclusion: How Safe is Marseille, France to Visit? 

The dangers that are found in Marseille are dangers that are generally found in other large cities of its nature. If you are in cities of this size and nature frequently, it’s not likely that you’ll notice much difference. 

Overall, the locations tourists are generally drawn to can be safe if you take precautions. In these locations, avoiding pickpocketers and beggars will be your primary challenge. 

The primary safety concern is in remote locations and locations where drug activity is widespread. If you do thorough research before you go, you will be able to determine which areas are known for this type of activity and steer clear of them.