Home improvement can be a fun or daunting task, depending on what you are wanting to do and your level of expertise. When it comes to building a patio in Dallas, Texas you may be surprised to find out that you need a permit. So exactly why do you need a permit to build a patio in Dallas, Texas?

The permit needed for a patio is called a building permit, which refers to any type of man made structure on a property. Dallas County does require that any structure have a permit to ensure that it is built correctly and to prevent potential injury or damage from poor construction.

While it may seem annoying to add an extra step to your patio building project, it is better to be safe than sorry in this case. Getting fined for not having a permit can be a big mistake. Keep reading to find out more about how to properly build a patio in Dallas Texas.

What If I Don’t Have a Permit to Build a Patio?

The bad news for anyone looking to build a patio on a tight budget is that permits can cost between $50- $500 depending on the size of the project and may take several weeks to receive. 

However, the consequences of skipping this step may make it worth it for you:

  • It is pretty common for a city to fine you $500 or more per day for failing to obtain the proper permits. 
  • It is also possible for the city to put a lien on your house if the fine gets large enough. A lien is when the city uses your property for collateral against an owed debt, such as unpaid fines.
  • It’s also possible for your home owner’s insurance to fine you or end the contract depending on what policy and company you have in place. 
  • Some counties may also require you to tear down your project. 

However, the number one concern should be your safety and the safety of future owners of your home. 

How to Obtain a Permit to Build a Patio

Now that we’ve talked about why you need a permit you may be wondering how to get one in Dallas Texas. 

Permits can be obtained at the Building Inspection Permit Center, which is at 320 East Jefferson Blvd, Dallas, TX 75203. 

We also want to note that patio covers with less than 200 square feet on single-family or duplex premises (may not be within a front yard setback or side yard setback area) do not require a permit, but the actual construction of the patio does.

Building a Safe Patio In Dallas Texas

Patios are a great way to add value to your property if you are wanting to build your equity for when you sell or simply to create a great atmosphere to hang outdoors or to host parties.

Building a safe and comfortable patio is the key to enjoying your backyard space.

The best way to build a safe patio is to hire a licensed contractor who is local to your area. This, however, can get expensive. It’s also possible to build your own patio, just make sure to call Dallas City Hall in order to get the correct permits and follow all appropriate codes. 

A do-it-yourself patio ranges between $4,000 and $8,000.

Price Changes

The size of the patio is of course the factor that will affect your price the most. Most patios are around 200 to 300 square feet. It also depends on how complex of a structure you want. 

Overall, the average cost of building a patio is about $15- $25 per square foot though it can be as low as $10 if you opt out of using a contractor.

Paver patios are the most cost effective and are built with paving stones which can be bought for fairly cheap. 

Safe Construction

Preparing to build a safe patio begins on level zero- the ground. Make the land you plan to use is leveled so that your project will turn out to be straight and even. 

You also want to make sure that your base, which is typically gravel or concrete, is laid down evenly and flat. 

This will ensure that your pavers or stones line up straight with each other to create a flat top. 

Finally, place edging stones or pavers to create a smooth finish to your patio. 


The final takeaway is that obtaining a permit before beginning to build is important for safety reasons. 

This article explains why it’s necessary and we hope it makes it easier for you to go through the process so you can get started on your next project as soon as possible. Have fun renovating!